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Engin kennsla 1.maí

Verkalýðsdagurinn, 1. maí - FRÍ

Þann 1. maí, næsta laugardag, falla allar æfingar niður. Þá er er alþjóðlegur baráttudagur verkalýðsins og því frídagur.

Einng viljum við minnum ykkur á gráðun barna 8. og 9. maí, og gráðun fyrir fullorðna og meistaraflokk 17. maí.

On May 1, next Saturday, all practices are canceled. The reason for this is because it is the International Workers' Day and therefore a holiday.

We would also like to remind you of the grading for the children on May 8th and 9th, and the grading for adults and the advanced class on May 17th.

Bestu kveðjur / Best regards

Þjálfarar Þórshamars / Instructors

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