Welcome to Þórshamar! We are one of Iceland's oldest and most successful karate dojos, established in 1979 and practicing Shotokan karate since then. Our instructors include current and former national champions and experienced traditional karateka. We provide high quality instruction for both children and adults.
Do you live in Iceland? Consider joining our regular classes. Beginners' courses start in late August and early January every year, for every age group from 5 years old. If you already have some karate experience, you can start at any time; please contact our Chief Instructor and ask what would be the best placement for you. We offer a free try-out class to all newcomers.
Just visiting? We welcome guests from abroad who wish to drop in and train with us while they are in Iceland. We have classes all year round, except for brief holidays at Christmas, Easter and in late July/early August.
Please find contact information and our class schedule below. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Children ages 6–12 train in three groups, C., B. and A. flokkur.
The youngest beginners are in group C., the oldest and most advanced are in group A.
Teens and adults train in two groups:
Fullorðnir for beginners and 9.–5. kyu; Meistaraflokkur for 4. kyu–5. dan.
For teens and adults we also offer specialized kumite and kata classes.
Autumn classes start on Monday 26th August 2024.
From the fall of 2024 we will only offer annual fee. However, if a team member decides to quit midway through the season then Þórshamar will giver memebers/guardians a partial refund of the fee.
The practice fee for the 2024-2025 season will be 61.500 icelandic kr. for C. flokkur; 68.500 Icelandic kr. for A. and B. flokkur and 90.500 Icelandic kr. for adults (fullorðnir)/master class(meistaraflokkur).
(in the wintertime)
Mondays 15:45-18:15
Wednesdays 15:45-18:15
Saturdays 09:30–11:15
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